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Frequently Asked Questions
Do you take insurance?For a variety of reasons, I do not directly contract with insurance providers in my private practice. If your insurance provider offers out-of-network coverage, I can provide you with the documentation you need to submit for reimbursement. Please call your insurance provider and ask them about out-of-network benefits for psychotherapy. Some questions you might ask: What are my mental health benefits? How many therapy sessions does my plan cover? What is the coverage amount per session? How much does my insurance pay for an out-of-network psychotherapy provider? Is approval or referral required from my primary care physician? Would I need a diagnosis in order to receive reimbursement?
Can I work with you if I don't live in Colorado?Yes. If you live outside of the state of Colorado, we can work together remotely in a coaching context. If you are interested in working with me for psychotherapy and you live out of state, we may be able to work together as the Counseling Compact comes into effect over the next few months. Please reach out for more information if this is you.
What is the difference between coaching and psychotherapy?Although both coaching and psychotherapy utilize knowledge of neuroscience, relationships, behavior, motivation, change, and interactive counseling techniques, the two activities have very different purposes, goals, areas of focus and emphasis, and levels of professional responsibility. Psychotherapy focuses on identifying, diagnosing and treating mental health issues within a professional relationship designed to help clients alleviate symptoms, understand motivations, and change behaviors that may interfere with effective emotional, social or intellectual functioning. Psychotherapy generally involves an intensive intake process, discussion of intimate personal information and may lead to feelings of vulnerability on the part of the client. This vulnerability often leads to a power differential between therapist and client, which necessitates a greater level of professional and fiduciary responsibility on the part of your therapist. Additionally, psychotherapy is a health care service and is often reimbursable through health insurance policies, which is not true for coaching. Coaching focuses on goal setting, psychoeducation, mindfulness skills, relationship & communication skills, and supporting you in finding answers and the pathway forward from your own inner knowing. Coaching utilizes personal strategic planning, values clarification, brainstorming, motivational counseling, and other counseling techniques. However, in contrast to psychotherapy, coaching does NOT involve diagnosis, testing, assessment, or treatment of mental health disorders. In addition, the relationship between us in the coaching context is designed to avoid the power differentials that occur in the psychotherapy relationship. Instead, the relationship is designed to be a relationship among equals – you provide the information about your goals, interests, and issues to be addressed and we work together to create a plan for achieving those goals and addressing the issues. Coaching might be the right option for you if: You already a robust network of resources you feel comfortable leaning on You have a solid level of stability in your life You are looking to focus on growth in the future You are looking for support crossing a particular threshold in your life You live outside of the state of Colorado Psychotherapy might be the right option for you if: You are looking to build up your mental health stability You are looking to process trauma, grief, or other difficult events of the past You are looking to receive reimbursement through insurance You would like a diagnosis You live in the state of Colorado If you're not sure what's right for you, please reach out and we can discuss more together.
How long do you typically work with clients?It depends. Some clients have found what they needed within six sessions; some clients have stayed with me for years; and most fall somewhere in between. Ultimately, it is always up to you. If this is a concern, I encourage you to commit to a set number of sessions, typically around ten, and then assess if you are receiving value from the process of inner work.
Where do you see clients?Currently I am practicing primarily online via Zoom. If you live in the Denver/Boulder area, I have an office for in-person sessions in Central Boulder. We also have the option of meeting at an outdoor location for a walking session or other nature-based exploration.
Will I receive a diagnosis?Only if you want one. In my psychotherapy practice, I do not automatically give every client a diagnosis. However, you may be interested in receiving a diagnosis for a variety of reasons: insurance needs; validation; understanding your mental health in a broader context--and in this case, I am happy to discuss and provide you with a diagnosis. I do not provide diagnosis in my coaching practice.
What are your rates?My rates are $150 per 55-minute session (typical for individual therapy or coaching) and $225 per 85-minute session (typical for couples therapy; occasionally some folks also prefer the longer format for EMDR.)
Attachment TheoryConnect to the deep wisdom that lives in each emotion (those labeled both "positive" and "negative") Learn to act upon this wisdom without suppressing your emotions nor expressing them in ways that feel out of control Explore the connection between emotions and your needs/boundaries
Depth PsychologyExplore the motivations, parts, that may fall below the surface of conscious awareness Connect with powerful tools of dream work, metaphor, ritual, and imagery Develop your trust with the Wild Unknown
Cycles & CeremonyFollow the rhythms that work best for your brain and body Explore your style of moving through beginnings, middles, and endings Mark the transitions of your life -- large or small, inner or outer -- with meaningful ceremony
Developmental FrameworksUnderstand your soul's journey in the context of models of human growth and development Explore how you can move toward the next level of development for your body and soul
Body AwarenessDevelop your felt sense of what it's like to be in your body Tap into the wisdom in your body's sensations, impulses, movements Identify your needs and boundaries as they appear through your body experience
Emotional IntegrationConnect to the deep wisdom that lives in each emotion (those labeled both "positive" and "negative") Learn to act upon this wisdom without suppressing your emotions nor expressing them in ways that feel out of control Explore the connection between emotions and your needs/boundaries
Neurobiology & RegulationDevelop tools to understand how your nervous system works Incorporate practical, body- and soul-based tools for finding your way back to aliveness, even in the face of feeling stuck or disempowered
Nature-Based WorkExplore your connection to Nature as a resource of nourishment and inspiration Uncover hidden or long-forgotten parts of yourself that are longing to come Home Engage your relationship with Nature as a way to develop trust with yourself
Inner KnowingBecome the primary authority on your own inner world and experience Practice using your inner knowing as a compass that navigates you from one step to another Embody your power and your sovereignty as you navigate Life
Worthiness & WholenessConnect with all parts of yourself and integrate them toward inner wholeness Remember the innate worthiness you were born with: no more or less worthy than anyone else Explore and heal any worthiness blocks you may still be carrying with you
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